Interactive methods of teaching digital skills and presenting professional options for students in pre-university technical education


Irina Sălăgean-Mohora1, Elena-Roxana Florescu2*

1Assist. PhD arch. Sălăgean-Mohora Irina, “Politehnica” University Timișoara, ROMANIA,

2Prof. PhD.arch. Florescu Elena-Roxana, Automobile Transportation Techonological High School Timișoara, ROMANIA,

*Corresponding Author



At the beginning of the high school cycle, it was considered necessary to carry out a first evaluation of the competences regarding the elementary knowledge accumulated during the on-line learning period. Following the discussions with other members of the teaching staff, it was considered appropriate to introduce interdisciplinary exercises that would fill the existing gaps both within the information technology and communications subject, as well as regarding other subjects existing in the curricula. By means of a questionnaire, a general assessment of general skills is carried out considering aspects related to verbal and written communication, basic mathematical concepts, digital skills, etc., as well as specific topics in the field of IT&C: self-assessment regarding the level of digital skills and the use of digital tools in the educational process, the correct use of on-line resources and different information channels regarding the educational and professional course, presentation of professional options and certifications useful in carrying out the labor activity.

Taking advantage of the dynamic and interactive nature of on-line resources and alternatives of e-learning, the exercises developed during the laboratory hours were aimed to provide extracurricular information and activities. These would contribute to the general motivation of students to easily promote the existing subjects within the school program. As a conclusion of the study, the digitization of the education system represented the opportunity to adapt to a new teaching-learning context. In this case, it is mandatory to analyze to what extent the use of digital tools and resources allowed the assimilation and sedimentation of the already existing knowledge and the creative presentation of other subjects studied within the entire school program.

Keywords: digital skills, information, technical profile, on-line resources, e-learning, secondary education



CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2023- 10th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 23-25 January, 2023, Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-72065-0-3